

Hypersthene - rock-forming rare mineral belonging to the group of silicates. The amount of iron and magnesium in the composition of the stone has a direct effect on its color, varying in yellow, green, brown and black shades.These are mainly translucent, translucent or opaque samples with glass and pearl escent shine. Less common are valuable transparent crystals. In terms of chemical composition, hypersthene is magnesium silicate (Mg2 [Si2O6]) with a dense granular structure, high fragility, tabular or thick-columnar structure. Hypersthen has a long origin, its name is translated from Greek as “super strong”. Officially, the researcher was engaged in the scientist Haüy, who registered him in 1803. Later the name "Hypersthene" began to disappear from everyday life, and in 1855 the mineralogist Kenngott introduced the term "enstatite", which translates as "opposing" and is still used in the description of the stone.

The Origin and The Applications of The Mineral:

Places of mass accumulation of hypersthene are deposits of plutonic rocks (gabbro, norite), which acquired a metamorphic state due to the influence of medium and high temperatures. Mineral is also a component of iron and stone meteorites. Its main deposits are located in Russia (South-Western Baikal region), Ukraine (Zhytomyr region), Norway, Bavaria, India, Canada and Sri Lanka. Demavend deposit, located in Iran, is famous for the most valuable and beautiful samples of hypersthene. Hypersthene crystals have found the main application in the jewelry industry and crafts. Bronzite is a special demand among jewelers. The stone is cut in cabochon, after which it looks attractive in pendants, rings, earrings and bracelets. Powdered mineral is used as an ingredient in the production of cosmetics - blush and powder. Unusual decorative elements in the form of balls and figurines, as well as crafts and souvenirs are made of hypersthene. Unique mineral specimens are exhibited in museums and collections.

The Magical Properties of Hypersthene:

The strength of the mineral is most effectively expressed in talismans, amulets and amulets, although it is rarely used in magical rites and rituals. Thanks to the energy of the Sun and Fire combined in the stone, the hypersten amulets protect against any negative, including injuries, accidents and injuries. Especially they are recommended for those who, in the line of their profession, risk their lives - to the military, security officials, employees of the Emergencies Ministry. Hypersten has a positive effect on morale, willpower, strengthening confidence in yourself and giving confidence in actions. It does not matter the shape and size of the talisman or charm, just enough to constantly carry it with you.

Medicinal Properties:

Hypersthene has effective healing properties that are aimed at restoring the functions of almost all vital organs of a person. Dark brown stones support the immune system, help fight viral and catarrhal diseases, and have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, normalizing the function of the secretion glands.

Dark green hypersthene is used by lithotherapists to normalize neurological indicators, alleviate conditions for migraines, hypo-tension and hypertension in meteo-dependent people, as well as restore vision. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, soothes and improves mood, increases the craving for life and eliminates mental disorders. It is believed that with the help of a stone, you can restore the work of the prostate gland in men, the pituitary and the digestive tract, normalize the hormones of the thyroid system and get rid of excess weight.

Zodiac Signs:

In astrology, the signs of the House of Fire (Sagittarius, Lions, Aries) and Aquarius can fully use the power of hypersthene. It is believed that the stone talisman will not only add inner confidence to these signs of the zodiac, but also save them from rash acts, risky adventures and accidents. It will not harm the other members of the zodiacal circle, so they can also benefit from its properties.

Keywords: solid solution series solar plexus metaphysical properties vitreous to pearly velvet labradorite solutions to problems minerals enstatite metamorphic rocksbase chakra pure enstatite metamorphic rocks base chakra

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